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 Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams

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Supah Graphiste

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-mrgame-watchheadssb4-3-47b66fb
Messages : 168
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2011
Âge : 28
Localisation : Suisse

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 12:35

Donc, tout est dans le titre, mais bon.

Comme vous l'avez compris, mes examens approchent vite (3 semaines), j'avait déja commencer à réviser il y a 2 semaines et à partir de maintenant, je vais donc stopper brawl jusqu’à la fin de mes exams (mi-juin).

Cependant, je serait toujours présent de temps en temps sur le forum^^

Donc je ne jouerait plus jusqu'à mi-juin a fin de me concentrer pleinement sur mes examents

Cordialement likam Razz

Dernière édition par Likam le Ven 13 Mai 2011 - 12:12, édité 1 fois
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Aller emmenez-le !

Main SSB 3DS
Messages : 4075
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2010
Âge : 29
Localisation : Lorraine

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 12:44

Bonne révision et bonne chance pour tes exams Chat
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Supah Graphiste

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-mrgame-watchheadssb4-3-47b66fb
Messages : 168
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2011
Âge : 28
Localisation : Suisse

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 12:57

merci :)
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-falcoheadssb4-3-47b66f7
Messages : 4060
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Âge : 30

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 17:22

Bonne révision tout ça Chat

T'inquiète le Brevet c'est une simplicité digne d'une merde Loutre
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Aller emmenez-le !

Main SSB 3DS
Messages : 4075
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2010
Âge : 29
Localisation : Lorraine

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 17:30

Ouais mais osef, avoir son brevet ça sert à rien, t'as aussi l'air con que si tu ne l'as pas. Faut une bonne mention oui
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Sylver Ephrallion
Sylver Ephrallion

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-charizardheadssb4-3-47b6589
Messages : 1772
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2010
Âge : 33
Localisation : Sur l'île de Koridaï !

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 17:34

J'avoue... le brevet ça sert presque à rien.

Bonne révision et je te souhaite bonne chance Likam !
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-linkheadssb4-3-47b658d
Messages : 310
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2010
Âge : 99

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 17:47

Même avoir un BAC ça sert presque à rien...
Bonne chance et bonnes révisions !
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Hyrule Tier ಥ_ಥ

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-linkheadssb4-3-47b658d
Messages : 2718
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010
Âge : 27
Localisation : Random

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 17:57

'Luck ! ok
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Supah Graphiste

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-mrgame-watchheadssb4-3-47b66fb
Messages : 168
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2011
Âge : 28
Localisation : Suisse

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 18:10

merci à vous tous :)
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 19:20

Erf ? Réviser pour son brevet ? Il y en a qui ont aps de chance xD
Moi je 'lai déjà avec mes notes Fake

à bientôt et bonnes révisions !
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-warioheadssb4-3-47b66fc
Messages : 1253
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Âge : 40
Localisation : var

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyJeu 12 Mai 2011 - 19:30

Bonne chance moi j'ai pas eu le brevet trop de points a rattraper pas comme toi kyo mdr
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La nouille et le chien !

Main SSB 3DS
Messages : 971
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2011
Âge : 29
Localisation : Dans l'ombre de mon cul !

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyVen 13 Mai 2011 - 9:22

Le brevet j'ai eu 38/40 en maths sans réviser... lol
Ah et vire moi cette horrible faute dans le titre, c'est his pas her, t'es pas une fille à c'que je sache XD
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Supah Graphiste

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-mrgame-watchheadssb4-3-47b66fb
Messages : 168
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2011
Âge : 28
Localisation : Suisse

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptyVen 13 Mai 2011 - 12:14

maryu>oups ouais merci^^'
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-villagerheadssb4-3-47b6697
Messages : 669
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Âge : 29

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptySam 14 Mai 2011 - 9:46

Bonne révision pour ton brevet Loutre

Moi j'avais un peu réviser pour mon brevet mais j'ai pas eu la même note que toi Maryu Vahid
Mais bon je l'ai quand même Eye Brow
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Supah Graphiste

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-mrgame-watchheadssb4-3-47b66fb
Messages : 168
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2011
Âge : 28
Localisation : Suisse

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptySam 25 Juin 2011 - 11:34

Sa y est, j'ai terminé mes exams et je les ai réussis Very Happy
Je peut donc de nouveau prendre part aux IT
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Black Butler

Black Butler

Messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2011
Âge : 31
Localisation : Vaucluse

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptySam 25 Juin 2011 - 12:00

a ba temp mieu alor on va pouvoir jouer :weegee:
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams 32px-falcoheadssb4-3-47b66f7
Messages : 4060
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Âge : 30

Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams EmptySam 25 Juin 2011 - 12:05

Génial, ramène des victoires et surtout fais de ton mieux jeune Weegee Loutre
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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams   Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams Empty

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Likam is a fan of Ness and must work for his exams

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